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Friday, December 31, 2010

Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review

U.S. Health Insurance Status (Under 65)Image via WikipediaHealth Care Policy and Marketplace Review

The Democrats Had Better Hope the Supreme Court Overturns the Individual Mandate Before the Middle Class Understands How Bad It Is For Them

This post first appeared as a column at Kaiser Health News

Is The Individual Mandate Really A Lynchpin In The New Health Law?

If the Supreme Court does rule the individual mandate unconstitutional will it really bring down the whole law?

I don't see it.

First, the individual mandate isn't even close to what it has been made to be -- a provision that would protect the integrity of the health insurance market by forcing people to buy health insurance before they became sick. At best, it's a tepid attempt at that.

The individual mandate's fine for not buying coverage is 1 percent of family income or $95 for each family member not covered, whichever is greater in 2014; 2 percent of income or $325 per family member, whichever is greater in 2015; and $695 or 2.5 percent of income or whichever is greater in subsequent years (kids are half price!).

These are meaningful fines for not buying insurance, but only a fraction of what a consumer would pay for health insurance.
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